💪🏻 Maximize the growth performance of your farm by Innogrow.
🐽 At present, emerging swine diseases such as African Swine Fever (ASF) severely damage pig production. A long rising period of the nursery pig to fattening pig makes the high risk of ASF outbreak and increased loss of production. It also increases food costs.
🐽 Therefore, raising pigs during the nursery-fattening period, focusing on the fast-growing and selling pigs quickly to minimize the impact of the disease, especially ASF. At the moment, the price of feed raw materials is still high. Reducing the number of raising days can help farms to minimize feed costs which is the most significant cost proportion of pig production
🚨 ASP realizes the importance of the situation. Therefore, we have developed the product “Innogrow,” which is a product that helps
• Improving average daily gain (ADG)
• Reduce feed conversion ratio (FCR)
• Increase feed intake
🐷 from the results of product trials in nursery pigs and starter-grower pigs. Found that Innogrow products can reduce the day of raising pigs by six days and create a return on investment (ROI) of up to 5.26 times!! Calculated from the average ADG of 699 g/day, Innogrow was used at 1.25 kg/ton feed in nursery pigs and 1 kg/ton feed in starter-grower pigs for 133 days. The experimental pigs had a final weight of 3.99 kg/pig greater than the control group (swine price 100 baht/kg)
#Innogrow #FeedAdditive #Pig #Swine #ImprovePerformance #อินโนโกรว #สารเสริม #สุกร #เพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการผลิต #Livestock #ฟาร์มปศุสัตว์ #ASP #แตกต่างสร้างประโยชน์ #Differenceforyourbenefits #เครือเวทโปรดักส์ #VetProdutsGroup